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Found 265 items.
Climate change and plankton phenology in freshwater: current trends and future commitments
Published: 21 January 20147618PDF: 1791HTML: 1282 -
Assessing the effects of climate and volcanism on diatom and chironomid assemblages in an Andean lake near Quito, Ecuador
Published: 30 December 20154153PDF: 1340HTML: 1261 -
Long-term seasonal nutrient limiting patterns at Meiliang Bay in a large, shallow and subtropical Lake Taihu, China
Published: 2 April 20152294PDF: 894HTML: 1227 -
Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton communities in a Great Lakes drowned river-mouth lake (Mona Lake, USA)
Published: 17 February 20152515PDF: 1090HTML: 1343 -
Simulating thermal dynamics of the largest lake in the Caucasus region: The mountain Lake Sevan
Published: 18 October 20213137PDF: 454HTML: 27 -
Seasonality of chrysophyte cyst and diatom assemblages in varved Lake Nautajärvi – implications for palaeolimnological studies
Published: 13 February 20173692PDF: 685Supplementary: 314HTML: 815 -
Lake heat content and stability variation due to climate change: coupled regional climate model (REMO)-lake model (DYRESM) analysis
Published: 19 February 20144897PDF: 1193HTML: 1022 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164720PDF: 1714HTML: 8379 -
A long-term multi-proxy record of varved sediments highlights climate-induced mixing-regime shift in a large hard-water lake ~5000 years ago
Published: 9 June 20143729PDF: 1125Supplementary: 406HTML: 1857 -
Temporal changes in nutrients in a deep oligomictic lake: the role of external loads versus climate change
Published: 25 November 20211369PDF: 364Supplementary: 65HTML: 58 -
Seasonal variation in the relative strength of bottom-up vs top-down effects in pelagic cladoceran populations identified through contribution analysis of birth rate
Published: 7 September 20231133PDF: 217HTML: 11 -
Seasonal quantitative dynamics and ecology of pelagic rotifers in an acidified boreal lake
Published: 5 December 20172380PDF: 502HTML: 515 -
Temporal and altitudinal variations in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean river basin of Argentina
Published: 27 February 20143880PDF: 1295HTML: 1413 -
Weather conditions influencing phosphorus concentration in the growing period in the large shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 21 January 20143758PDF: 748HTML: 1189 -
Temporal evolution of lake level fluctuations under flood conditions and impacts on the littoral ecosystems
Published: 11 September 20231012PDF: 131HTML: 10 -
Influence of inter-annual environmental variability on chrysophyte cyst assemblages: insight from a 2-years sediment trap study in lakes from northern Poland
Published: 14 February 20173607PDF: 749HTML: 1229 -
Phenology of Daphnia in a Northern Italy pond during the weather anomalous 2014
Published: 14 May 20152290PDF: 740HTML: 952 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231758PDF: 374Supplementary File 1: 155Supplementary File 2: 118African rotifer records: 311HTML: 25 -
Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
Published: 21 December 20164741PDF: 968Supplementary: 315HTML: 799 -
Higher late summer methane emission from central than northern European lakes
Published: 31 August 20163462PDF: 1083Supplementary: 453HTML: 1322 -
Ecological effects of multiple stressors on a deep lake (Lago Maggiore, Italy) integrating neo and palaeolimnological approaches
Published: 19 January 201213256PDF: 1853HTML: 1481 -
Assessment of the effects of the dry period on the faunal composition of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two temporary ponds in NW Spain
Published: 2 March 20153001PDF: 976HTML: 1573 -
Environmental variability and human activity over the past 140 years documented by sediments of Ebinur Lake in arid central Asia
Published: 18 May 20173130PDF: 721HTML: 719 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173545PDF: 912Supplementary: 226HTML: 743 -
Is the impact of eutrophication on phytoplankton diversity dependent on lake volume/ecosystem size?
Published: 1 December 20162974PDF: 1016Supplementary: 368HTML: 1266 -
Modelling physical and ecological processes in medium-to-large deep European perialpine lakes: a review
Published: 13 October 20211109PDF: 301HTML: 123 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143172PDF: 1076Supplementary: 282HTML: 949 -
Responses of phytoplankton functional groups to environmental factors in the Maixi River, southwest China
Published: 25 August 20172315PDF: 658HTML: 372 -
The success of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in freshwaters is enhanced by the combined effects of light intensity and temperature
Published: 22 June 20163389PDF: 1093HTML: 1293 -
A hydrologic index based method for determining ecologically acceptable water-level range of Dongting Lake
Published: 4 August 20143506PDF: 970HTML: 787 -
Inter-annual climate variability and zooplankton: applying teleconnection indices to two deep subalpine lakes in Italy
Published: 20 August 20143183PDF: 901HTML: 605 -
Exploiting high frequency monitoring and satellite imagery for assessing chlorophyll-a dynamics in a shallow eutrophic lake
Published: 13 July 20211485PDF: 260Supplementary 1: 49Supplementary 2: 54Supplementary 3: 53HTML: 63 -
Seasonal variation of allochthonous and autochthonous energy inputs in an alpine stream
Published: 17 October 20143721PDF: 1069HTML: 1802 -
Zooplankton predators and prey: body size and stable isotope to investigate the pelagic food web in a deep lake (Lake Iseo, Northern Italy)
Published: 23 September 20164265PDF: 1090HTML: 2056 -
Long-term effects of extreme weather events and eutrophication on the fish community of shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 6 June 20134457PDF: 949HTML: 1407 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
Published: 21 June 20211578PDF: 456Supplementary: 92HTML: 21 -
Modern limnology and varve-formation processes in Lake Żabińskie, northeastern Poland: comprehensive process studies as a key to understand the sediment record
Published: 29 December 20143445PDF: 1108HTML: 960 -
Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation
Published: 24 February 20152479PDF: 703HTML: 650 -
Fluctuations of Lake Orta water levels: preliminary analyses
Published: 13 April 20162642PDF: 595HTML: 1632 -
Scale and watershed features determine lake chemistry patterns across physiographic regions in the far north of Ontario, Canada
Published: 8 November 20162723PDF: 882Supplementary: 333HTML: 1362 -
Trends in Ostracoda and Cladocera distribution and water chemistry in subarctic Canada: Churchill (Manitoba) lakes and ponds revisited
Published: 21 March 20174434PDF: 827Suppl. Tab. 1: 1522Suppl. Tab. 2: 1477HTML: 818 -
Hydrochemistry and trophic state change in a large reservoir in the Brazilian northeast region under intense drought conditions
Published: 22 August 20163849PDF: 1242Supplementary: 272HTML: 1684 -
Seasonal morphological variability in an in situ Cyanobacteria monoculture: example from a persistent Cylindrospermopsis bloom in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico
Published: 22 March 20161965PDF: 890HTML: 1625 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
Published: 29 May 20134875PDF: 838Supplementary: 226HTML: 1266 -
Changes in and driving factors of the lake area of Huri Chagannao’er Lake in Inner Mongolia
Published: 26 October 20221507PDF: 271Supplementary: 142HTML: 75 -
Synchrony in whitefish stock dynamics: disentangling the effects of local drivers and climate
Published: 8 June 20232145PDF: 412Appendix A: 60Appendix B: 56Appendix C: 55Appendix D: 52HTML: 21 -
Lake-level variations and tides in Lago Argentino, Patagonia: insights from pressure tide gauge records
Published: 12 August 20154595PDF: 1068HTML: 1777 -
Diel vertical distribution of planktonic microcrustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) in a natural shallow lake from Transylvania, Romania
Published: 4 March 20142183PDF: 1134HTML: 581 -
Carbon stable isotope composition of charophyte organic matter in a small and shallow Spanish water body as a baseline for future trophic studies
Published: 29 December 20152203PDF: 1073Supplementary: 335HTML: 1017