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Found 5 items.
Hydrogeochemical processes controlling water and dissolved gas chemistry at the Accesa sinkhole (southern Tuscany, central Italy)
Published: 26 May 20144017PDF: 1071HTML: 1094 -
An overview of the structure, hazards, and methods of investigation of Nyos-type lakes from the geochemical perspective
Published: 12 February 20145778PDF: 5366HTML: 3424 -
Water and dissolved gas geochemistry of the monomictic Paterno sinkhole (central Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122370PDF: 633HTML: 747 -
Mechanisms regulating CO2 and CH4 dynamics in the Azorean volcanic lakes (São Miguel Island, Portugal) Bio-geochemistry of volcanic lakes in the Azores, Portugal
Published: 24 July 20181490PDF: 521HTML: 63 -
Morphological and geochemical features of crater lakes in Costa Rica: an overview
Published: 1 August 20092499PDF: 1536
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