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Found 189 items.
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Published: 28 September 20212374PDF: 341HTML: 127 -
Retrospective assessment of macrophytic communities in southern Lake Garda (Italy) from in situ and MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) data
Published: 19 January 20122564PDF: 793HTML: 1096 -
Macroinvertebrate biodiversity patterns during primary succession in manmade ponds in north-eastern Spain
Published: 13 March 20143498PDF: 1339HTML: 661 -
Arrive, survive and thrive: essential stages in the re-colonization and recovery of zooplankton in urban lakes in Sudbury, Canada
Published: 13 April 20163628PDF: 979HTML: 1629 -
New physical and chemical perspectives on the ecology of Thorea hispida (Thoreaceae)
Published: 7 November 20142835PDF: 797HTML: 1271 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164723PDF: 1714HTML: 8379 -
Modelling ecological specificities of freshwater molluscs: the exemplary case of Bythinella austriaca (v. Frauenfeld, 1857) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
Published: 26 July 20161653PDF: 730HTML: 1110 -
Atmospheric deposition chemistry in a subalpine area of the Julian Alps, North-West Slovenia
Published: 26 April 20133091PDF: 707HTML: 1186 -
When and how? Freshwater mussel recolonization in Lake Orta
Published: 13 April 20162395PDF: 927HTML: 1752 -
Scaled-chrysophyte assemblage changes in the sediment records of lakes recovering from marked acidification and metal contamination near Wawa, Ontario, Canada
Published: 24 July 20122568PDF: 623HTML: 609 -
Fluctuations of Lake Orta water levels: preliminary analyses
Published: 13 April 20162643PDF: 595HTML: 1632 -
Mechanisms underlying recovery of zooplankton in Lake Orta after liming
Published: 13 April 20163100PDF: 732HTML: 1384 -
Aquatic Coleoptera assemblages in protected wetlands of North-western Spain
Published: 12 February 20143772PDF: 1122HTML: 1758 -
Cladocera resting egg banks in temporary and permanent wetlands
Published: 28 October 20202239PDF: 455HTML: 42 -
Anuran larvae diet from agroecosystem’s ponds: environmental quality and implications for their populations
Published: 2 November 20162221PDF: 926Supplementary: 332HTML: 1506 -
A 100-year record of climate change and human activities inferred from the geochemical composition of sediments in Chaiwopu Lake, arid northwest China
Published: 7 January 20163088PDF: 1179Supplementary: 331HTML: 1413 -
Sources of organic matter affect depth-related microbial community composition in sediments of Lake Erhai, Southwest China
Published: 24 November 20142856PDF: 994Supplementary: 344HTML: 1945 -
Carbon stable isotope composition of charophyte organic matter in a small and shallow Spanish water body as a baseline for future trophic studies
Published: 29 December 20152204PDF: 1073Supplementary: 335HTML: 1017 -
Environmental modulation of the plankton community composition and size-structure along the eutrophic intertidal coast of the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina
Published: 15 May 20143297PDF: 1136Supplementary: 321HTML: 1432 -
Odonata assemblages in anthropogenically impacted lotic habitats
Published: 3 November 20202828PDF: 569Supplementary: 127HTML: 36 -
Long-term seasonal nutrient limiting patterns at Meiliang Bay in a large, shallow and subtropical Lake Taihu, China
Published: 2 April 20152294PDF: 894HTML: 1227 -
Diversity and dynamics of picocyanobacteria and the bloom-forming cyanobacteria in a large shallow eutrophic lake (lake Chaohu, China)
Published: 7 October 20134573PDF: 1026HTML: 1201 -
Holocene and Late Glacial sedimentation near steep slopes in southern Lake Baikal
Published: 30 July 20152174PDF: 914HTML: 1444 -
Zooplankton as an early warning system of persistent organic pollutants contamination in a deep lake (lake Iseo, Northern Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122606PDF: 767APPENDIX: 369HTML: 674 -
Distribution and biometry of native and alien crayfish in Trentino (Italian Alps)
Published: 23 May 20132887PDF: 780Supplementary: 214HTML: 727 -
Daphnia diversity in water bodies of the Po River Basin
Published: 16 December 20163629PDF: 810Supplementary: 357HTML: 828 -
Demographic cost and mechanisms of adaptation to environmental stress in resurrected Daphnia
Published: 13 April 20163182PDF: 883HTML: 1436 -
Sedimentary geochemical record of human-induced environmental changes in Huanggaihu Lake in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China
Published: 7 July 20142523PDF: 936HTML: 601 -
Checklist and distribution of the groundwater crustacean fauna from Sicily, Italy
Published: 3 September 2024757PDF: 157Supplementary: 49HTML: 42 -
Assessing the potential environmental factors affecting cladoceran assemblage composition in arsenic-contaminated lakes near abandoned silver mines
Published: 17 May 2021798PDF: 299Supplementary: 78HTML: 11 -
In situ effects of arsenic, aluminium and chromium stresses on algal periphyton of the river Ganga at Varanasi, India
Published: 30 June 20231060PDF: 293HTML: 22 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173594PDF: 912Supplementary: 226HTML: 744 -
Distribution of fish species in the upper Po River Basin (NW Italy): a synthesis of 30 years of data
Published: 10 September 2024804PDF: 155HTML: 34 -
First ecological analysis of lacustrine testate amoebae in Guatemala: A case study from the highland Lake Chichoj
Published: 30 November 20222297PDF: 325HTML: 48 -
Seasonal morphological variability in an in situ Cyanobacteria monoculture: example from a persistent Cylindrospermopsis bloom in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico
Published: 22 March 20161965PDF: 890HTML: 1625 -
Phytoplankton assemblages in Lake Orta: has functional structure recovered in one of the largest acidic lakes in the world?
Published: 13 April 20162249PDF: 861HTML: 1431 -
Environmental concerns about the effects of effluents from wastewater treatment plants in tourist areas of the Alps: toxicity in aquatic microorganisms
Published: 3 September 2021763PDF: 288Supplementary: 63HTML: 57 -
A hydrologic index based method for determining ecologically acceptable water-level range of Dongting Lake
Published: 4 August 20143514PDF: 971HTML: 787 -
Hypoxia and anoxia effects on alcohol dehydrogenase activity and hemoglobin content in Chironomus riparius Meigen, 1804
Published: 4 February 20163374PDF: 901HTML: 1160 -
Richness of littoral macroinvertebrate communities in mountain ponds from NW Spain: what factors does it depend on?
Published: 19 January 20122784PDF: 1202HTML: 777 -
Geochemical assessment of lake sediments in protected areas in Poland – a search for reference condition
Published: 26 June 20172893PDF: 746HTML: 487 -
Trophic history of French sub-alpine lakes over the last ~150 years: phosphorus reconstruction and assessment of taphonomic biases
Published: 27 September 20134950PDF: 905HTML: 1306 -
The trophic role and impact of plankton ciliates in the microbial web structure of a tropical polymictic lake dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria
Published: 22 March 20163148PDF: 994HTML: 1932 -
What have we learned about ecological recovery from liming interventions of acid lakes in Canada and Italy?
Published: 13 April 20162835PDF: 951HTML: 1302 -
Co-occurrence between macrophytes and macroinvertebrates: towards a new approach for the running waters quality evaluation?
Published: 22 August 20142591PDF: 1077Supplementary: 297HTML: 1046 -
An annotated checklist and bibliography of the Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) of Italy, Corsica, and the Maltese islands
Published: 13 July 20212164PDF: 246HTML: 75Shapefile of the Italian zoogeographical provinces: 0Matrix of the 55 species distributed in the 19 bioregions: 0Letter by prof. Friedrich Kiefer to prof. Emilia Stella: 0 -
Diversity and distribution of oligochaetes in tropical forested streams, southeastern Brazil
Published: 27 January 20152274PDF: 877HTML: 1451 -
Effects of pretreatment on the sequential phosphorus fractionation of anaerobic sediment
Published: 3 March 20142504PDF: 1069HTML: 919 -
Application of QUAL2Kw to the Oglio River (Northern Italy) to assess diffuse N pollution via river-groundwater interaction NO3-N pollution estimated via QUAL2Kw
Published: 11 July 20181484PDF: 571HTML: 77 -
Habitat expansion of a tropical chironomid by seasonal alternation in use of littoral and profundal zones
Published: 10 March 20222913PDF: 357Supplementary: 195HTML: 121