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Found 336 items.
Living organisms and sedimentary remains from high mountain lakes in the Alps
Published: 12 August 20211298PDF: 271Data Set: 301HTML: 21 -
How the catchment-river-lake continuum shapes the downstream water quality
Published: 31 January 20241282PDF: 618HTML: 64 -
Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days
Published: 21 June 20211008PDF: 358Supplementary: 97HTML: 17 -
Are antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage related to biological and autecological characteristics in aquatic insects?
Published: 7 November 20163218PDF: 808HTML: 1661 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173594PDF: 912Supplementary: 226HTML: 744 -
Arrive, survive and thrive: essential stages in the re-colonization and recovery of zooplankton in urban lakes in Sudbury, Canada
Published: 13 April 20163628PDF: 979HTML: 1629 -
Automated high frequency monitoring of Lake Maggiore through in situ sensors: system design, field test and data quality control
Published: 21 June 20211358PDF: 442HTML: 25 -
Daphnia diversity in water bodies of the Po River Basin
Published: 16 December 20163629PDF: 810Supplementary: 357HTML: 828 -
Picocyanobacterial community structure and space-time dynamics in the subalpine Lake Maggiore (N. Italy)
Published: 19 January 20121933PDF: 883HTML: 578 -
Ecological patterns of phytoplankton assemblages in Lake Garda: seasonal, spatial and historical features
Published: 1 February 20022063PDF: 940 -
Fossil cladoceran record from Lake Piramide Inferiore (5067 m asl) in the Nepalese Himalayas: biogeographical and paleoecological implications
Published: 30 April 20142806PDF: 929HTML: 1213 -
Spatial distribution of fish assemblages along environmental gradients in the temporary ponds of Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Published: 5 February 20132952PDF: 656HTML: 907 -
A case study of the planktonic communities in two hydrologically different oxbow lakes, Vistula River, Central Poland
Published: 16 December 20143472PDF: 1024Supplementary: 441HTML: 1143 -
Retrospective assessment of macrophytic communities in southern Lake Garda (Italy) from in situ and MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) data
Published: 19 January 20122564PDF: 793HTML: 1096 -
Preface: Georeferenced Freshwater Biodiversity Data
Published: 31 March 2023694PDF: 351HTML: 14 -
Larval fish sensitivity to a simulated cold-water pulse varies between species and age
Published: 22 July 20222354PDF: 401Supplementary: 162HTML: 135 -
Distribution and structure of lotic macroinvertebrate communities and the influence of environmental factors in a tropical cloud forest, Cusuco National Park, Honduras
Published: 2 November 20162484PDF: 1126HTML: 1609 -
Influence of environmental parameters on the distribution of subfossil chironomids in surface sediments of Bosten lake (Xinjiang, China)
Published: 24 July 20122591PDF: 691HTML: 727 -
Water age – a major factor controlling phytoplankton community structure in a reconnected dynamic floodplain (Danube, Regelsbrunn, Austria)
Published: 1 August 20092536PDF: 964 -
The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China
Published: 4 February 20163304PDF: 974Supplementary: 352HTML: 1350 -
Using integrated multivariate statistics to assess the hydrochemistry of surface water quality, Lake Taihu basin, China
Published: 24 September 20143957PDF: 1059Supplementary: 306HTML: 1230 -
Macroinvertebrate assemblages and biodiversity levels: ecological role of constructed wetlands and artificial ponds in a natural park
Published: 27 November 20144833PDF: 1555HTML: 1254 -
Relationships of shredders, leaf processing and organic matter along a canopy cover gradient in tropical streams
Published: 9 October 20172962PDF: 696Supplementary: 243HTML: 960 -
The meiofauna as neglected carriers of antibiotic resistant and pathogenic bacteria in freshwater ecosystems
Published: 29 November 2021966PDF: 321HTML: 90 -
Preliminary investigations on picoplankton-related precipitation of alkaline-earth metal carbonates in meso-oligotrophic lake Geneva (Switzerland)
Published: 31 October 20134274PDF: 740Supplementary: 223HTML: 611 -
Deep-mixing and deep-cooling events in Lake Garda: Simulation and mechanisms
Published: 21 June 20211620PDF: 714Supplementary: 103HTML: 72 -
Phosphorus dynamics in a subtropical coastal lake in Southern Brazil Phosphorus dynamics in coastal lake
Published: 11 November 2019898PDF: 421HTML: 10 -
The freshwater diaptomid copepod fauna (Crustacea: Copepoda: Diaptomidae) of the Western Ghats of Maharashtra with notes on distribution, species richness and ecology
Published: 14 September 20152836PDF: 938Supplementary: 323HTML: 1669 -
Is diatom richness responding to catchment glaciation? A case study from Canadian headwater streams
Published: 19 January 20122836PDF: 1338HTML: 2118 -
The Canterbury Museum mayfly collection data resource
Published: 16 February 2023774PDF: 290HTML: 33 -
Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
Published: 21 December 20164743PDF: 968Supplementary: 315HTML: 799 -
Evaluating macroinvertebrate community shifts in the confluence of freestone and limestone streams
Published: 30 July 20143189PDF: 985HTML: 922 -
Unprecedented changes in mollusc assemblages of the littoral zone in the two largest peri-Alpine French lakes since the last 4500 years
Published: 12 February 20142790PDF: 807HTML: 1115 -
Metabarcoding to monitor the crustacean zooplankton of a lake improves when using a reference DNA library from local samples
Published: 8 February 20231890PDF: 514HTML: 104Supplementary: 57Supplementary Data: 89 -
Trends of publications related to climate change and lake research from 1991 to 2015
Published: 14 March 20174174PDF: 1243HTML: 978 -
Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation
Published: 8 October 20143689PDF: 857Supplementary: 235HTML: 1120 -
Scaled-chrysophyte assemblage changes in the sediment records of lakes recovering from marked acidification and metal contamination near Wawa, Ontario, Canada
Published: 24 July 20122568PDF: 623HTML: 609 -
A long-term study of population dynamics of tardigrades in the moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst
Published: 1 September 20073803PDF: 860 -
Mercury methylation in oxic aquatic macro-environments: a review
Published: 9 March 20212122PDF: 689HTML: 118 -
Scale and watershed features determine lake chemistry patterns across physiographic regions in the far north of Ontario, Canada
Published: 8 November 20162796PDF: 882Supplementary: 333HTML: 1362 -
Computing the transport time scales of a stratified lake on the basis of Tonolli’s model
Published: 12 May 20141961PDF: 807XLS: 410HTML: 1353 -
Temporal and spatial heterogeneity in lacustrine δ13CDIC and δ18ODO signatures in a large mid-latitude temperate lake
Published: 1 August 20101804PDF: 572 -
Dataset: bird traffic rate at Bolle di Magadino Natural Reserve, Lake Maggiore (Switzerland)
Published: 8 September 2023246PDF: 105HTML: 3 -
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), phytoplankton and picocyanobacteria along a littoral-to-pelagic depth-gradient in a large subalpine lake
Published: 13 July 20211023PDF: 240Supplementary: 66HTML: 63 -
On the ecology of Cletocamptus gomezi Suárez-Morales, Barrera-Moreno & Ciros-Pérez 2013 (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) micro-endemic to Lake Alchichica, Central Mexico
Published: 7 November 20142172PDF: 805HTML: 1046 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122516PDF: 1054HTML: 576 -
Changes in life-history parameters of Daphnia longispina (Cladocera, Crustacea) as a function of water chemistry
Published: 30 April 20143014PDF: 874HTML: 1031 -
Archaea and Bacteria in deep lake hypolimnion: in situ dark inorganic carbon uptake
Published: 12 February 20146325PDF: 987HTML: 1392 -
Seasonal dynamics and life histories of pelagic cladocerans (Crustacea; Cladocera) in an acid boreal lake
Published: 1 February 20111745PDF: 719 -
Correlation between Phragmites australis growth and seasonal lake level variations in Lake Maggiore (Italy/Switzerland): common reed management guidelines
Published: 13 November 2023253PDF: 131HTML: 7