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Found 75 items.
Structural and functional responses of the oligochaete and aeolosomatid assemblage in lowland streams: a one-way-pollution-modelled ecosystem
Published: 30 March 20152395PDF: 790Supplementary: 278HTML: 1405 -
Community structure, life histories and secondary production of stoneflies in two small mountain streams with different degree of forest cover
Published: 13 October 20152052PDF: 761HTML: 752 -
Combining taxonomy and function in the study of stream macroinvertebrates
Published: 22 March 20163573PDF: 1504HTML: 3215 -
Evaluating macroinvertebrate community shifts in the confluence of freestone and limestone streams
Published: 30 July 20143189PDF: 985HTML: 922 -
Settling distances of benthic invertebrates in a sediment mobilization simulation in semi-natural flumes
Published: 21 October 20152149PDF: 811HTML: 658 -
Impact of potash mining in streams: the Llobregat basin (northeast Spain) as a case study
Published: 29 December 20164536PDF: 1181HTML: 875 -
Hydrological characteristics of extreme floods in the Klaserie River, a headwater stream in southern Africa
Published: 11 April 20231602PDF: 397Supplementary: 44HTML: 44 -
Estimating age composition in Alpine native populations of Austropotamobius pallipes complex
Published: 20 March 20151922PDF: 775HTML: 1186 -
The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China
Published: 4 February 20163304PDF: 974Supplementary: 352HTML: 1350 -
The environmental requirements of Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and the potential of the species for use as an indicator: an example from the Vistulian glaciation area
Published: 30 January 20152919PDF: 886HTML: 1030 -
Mid-late Holocene lake levels and trophic states of a shallow lake from the southern Pampa plain, Argentina
Published: 24 April 20143387PDF: 1581HTML: 1409 -
Sub-fossil chironomids as indicators of hydrological changes in the shallow and high-altitude lake Shen Co, Tibetan Plateau, over the past two centuries
Published: 28 July 20222891PDF: 495Supplementary: 179HTML: 132 -
Management implications following the reconstruction of the small and shallow Lake Mustijärv (Estonia)
Published: 25 November 2024620PDF: 79Supplementary: 18HTML: 12 -
How the catchment-river-lake continuum shapes the downstream water quality
Published: 31 January 20241282PDF: 618HTML: 64 -
Distribution and biometry of native and alien crayfish in Trentino (Italian Alps)
Published: 23 May 20132887PDF: 780Supplementary: 214HTML: 727 -
Environmental concerns about the effects of effluents from wastewater treatment plants in tourist areas of the Alps: toxicity in aquatic microorganisms
Published: 3 September 2021763PDF: 288Supplementary: 63HTML: 57 -
Repeated flood disturbance enhances rotifer dominance and diversity in a zooplankton community of a small dammed mountain pond
Published: 29 December 20163569PDF: 851HTML: 793 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143174PDF: 1076Supplementary: 282HTML: 949 -
Leaf traits of Brazilian semiarid species as regulatory factors for associated aquatic invertebrates Semiarid leaf species and colonization by aquatic invertebrates
Published: 3 May 20181564PDF: 544HTML: 26 -
Nutrient conditions and chironomid productivity in Kolkata, India: assessment for biomonitoring and ecological management
Published: 24 July 20122139PDF: 848HTML: 596 -
Can fish introductions alter nutrient cycles in previously fishless high-latitude lakes?
Published: 15 April 20163368PDF: 1399HTML: 1657 -
Secondary productivity of main microcrustacean species of two tropical reservoirs in Brazil and its relationship with trophic state
Published: 4 February 20163926PDF: 1498HTML: 2009 -
Aeolian particle transport inferred using a ~150-year sediment record from Sayram Lake, arid northwest China
Published: 28 May 20153619PDF: 945Supplementary: 276HTML: 1451 -
Evaluation of ecological quality in peri-urban rivers in Mexico City: a proposal for identifying and validating reference sites using benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators
Published: 18 August 20153049PDF: 1061HTML: 1626 -
Distribution of fish species in the upper Po River Basin (NW Italy): a synthesis of 30 years of data
Published: 10 September 2024804PDF: 155HTML: 34 -
Ontogenetic shifts in terrestrial reliance of stream-dwelling brown trout
Published: 1 July 20161908PDF: 639Supplementary: 269HTML: 880 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
Published: 29 May 20134875PDF: 838Supplementary: 226HTML: 1266 -
The algal growth-limiting nutrient of lakes located at Mexico’s Mesa Central
Published: 22 March 20162656PDF: 958HTML: 1518 -
Pioneer annual vegetation of gravel-bed rivers: first insights on environmental drivers from three Apennine streams
Published: 12 October 2021599PDF: 175HTML: 14 -
Environmental factors affecting the distribution of Chironomid larvae of the Seybouse wadi, North-Eastern Algeria
Published: 27 March 20132677PDF: 848Supplementary: 212HTML: 1185 -
Influence of wastewater discharges on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a Cantabrian-Atlantic coastal river
Published: 25 October 20212530PDF: 397HTML: 127 -
Periphyton growth on allochthonous input in streams may lead to higher individual growth rates of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)
Published: 20 June 20231038PDF: 299HTML: 13 -
Survival and swimming performance of a small-sized Cypriniformes (Telestes muticellus) tagged with passive integrated transponders
Published: 21 March 20232372PDF: 510HTML: 44 -
Temporal changes in periphytic meiofauna in lakes of different trophic states
Published: 19 January 20122702PDF: 1260HTML: 505 -
Environmental heterogeneity at different scales: key factors affecting caddisfly larvae assemblages in standing waters within a lowland river catchment
Published: 8 November 20163679PDF: 858Supplementary: 281HTML: 1232 -
Decomposition of Egeria densa Planchon (Hydrocharitaceae) in a well oxygenated tropical aquatic ecosystem
Published: 22 October 20142509PDF: 870HTML: 903 -
A model of co-occurrence: segregation and aggregation patterns in the mycoflora of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii in Lake Trasimeno (central Italy)
Published: 19 January 20122567PDF: 1144HTML: 890 -
Assessment of disturbance at three spatial scales in two large tropical reservoirs
Published: 9 December 20164347PDF: 1093Supplementary: 409HTML: 865 -
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), phytoplankton and picocyanobacteria along a littoral-to-pelagic depth-gradient in a large subalpine lake
Published: 13 July 20211023PDF: 240Supplementary: 66HTML: 63 -
δ18O and δD variations in some volcanic lakes on the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West-Africa): generating isotopic baseline data for volcano monitoring and surveillance in Cameroon
Published: 24 June 20142604PDF: 1022HTML: 1810 -
Benthic macroinvertebrates in Italian rice fields
Published: 6 February 20134487PDF: 1232HTML: 2632 -
Thermal regime of a highly regulated Italian river (Ticino River) and implications for aquatic communities
Published: 9 August 20163232PDF: 1022Supplementary: 226HTML: 1411 -
Nutrients retention in a small subtropical wetland (México)
Published: 22 March 20161736PDF: 729HTML: 1418 -
In situ effects of arsenic, aluminium and chromium stresses on algal periphyton of the river Ganga at Varanasi, India
Published: 30 June 20231060PDF: 293HTML: 22 -
Diatom communities and ecological status classification in the upper Po River basin
Published: 13 July 2021982PDF: 398Annex 1: 178HTML: 91 -
Phosphorus body content in an herbivorous fish in environments with different trophic state
Published: 13 April 20162581PDF: 836HTML: 1089 -
Longitudinal recovery gradient of macroinvertebrates during different hydrological scenarios in a downstream river reach
Published: 7 June 20231921PDF: 327Figure S1. MFA_Complex_Full_Partial_axes: 88Figure S2. MFA_Complex_Full_IND: 76Table S1. Taxonomic distribution: 70Table S2. PCA_Bio_St: 72Table S3. Environmental variables: 71Table S4. Daily flow time series: 73Table S5. PCA_Hydro_St: 91Table S6. PCA_Chem_St: 87Table S7. MFA_Complex: 81HTML: 30 -
Does richness of Oligochaeta (Annelida) follows a linear distribution with habitat structural heterogeneity in aquatic sediments?
Published: 26 March 20142424PDF: 860HTML: 1843 -
Ecology and distribution of living ostracod assemblages in a shallow endorheic lake: The example of the Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, central Italy)
Published: 20 March 20174326PDF: 1207HTML: 911 -
Co-occurrence between macrophytes and macroinvertebrates: towards a new approach for the running waters quality evaluation?
Published: 22 August 20142591PDF: 1077Supplementary: 297HTML: 1046