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Found 247 items.
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Published: 28 September 20212374PDF: 341HTML: 127 -
Pioneer annual vegetation of gravel-bed rivers: first insights on environmental drivers from three Apennine streams
Published: 12 October 2021599PDF: 175HTML: 14 -
Assessing the role of canopy cover on the colonization of phytotelmata by aquatic invertebrates: an experiment with the tank-bromeliad Aechmea lingulata
Published: 16 December 20164436PDF: 962HTML: 901 -
The influence of aquatic macrophytes on distribution and feeding habit of two Asplanchna species (A. priodonta and A. herrickii) in shallow wetlands, South Korea
Published: 11 June 20142673PDF: 979Supplementary: 266HTML: 1272 -
Spatial distribution of crustacean zooplankton in a large river-connected lake related to trophic status and fish
Published: 23 May 20172975PDF: 715HTML: 659 -
The increasing spread of the European barbel in the Italian large lowland rivers is threatening the native species
Published: 21 September 2023526PDF: 190Supplementary: 33HTML: 5 -
Horizontal distribution of Cladocera in a subtropical lake marginal to a river
Published: 1 September 20152224PDF: 950HTML: 1496 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
Published: 21 June 20211580PDF: 456Supplementary: 92HTML: 21 -
Phytoplankton functional traits and seston stable isotopes signature: a functional-based approach in a deep, subalpine lake, Lake Maggiore (N. Italy)
Published: 19 January 20122650PDF: 1194HTML: 1122 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173594PDF: 912Supplementary: 226HTML: 744 -
The first record of translocated white-clawed crayfish from the Austropotamobius pallipes complex in Sardinia (Italy)
Published: 20 March 20153017PDF: 1029HTML: 1171 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
Published: 29 May 20134875PDF: 838Supplementary: 226HTML: 1266 -
Profundal benthic invertebrates in an oligotrophic tropical lake: different strategies for coping with anoxia
Published: 5 May 20142958PDF: 1659HTML: 1490 -
Seasonal variation in the relative strength of bottom-up vs top-down effects in pelagic cladoceran populations identified through contribution analysis of birth rate
Published: 7 September 20231134PDF: 217HTML: 11 -
In situ effects of arsenic, aluminium and chromium stresses on algal periphyton of the river Ganga at Varanasi, India
Published: 30 June 20231060PDF: 293HTML: 22 -
Primary biodiversity data on zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, and fish from freshwater ecosystems of Uganda
Published: 6 February 20231936PDF: 409HTML: 22 -
The success of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in freshwaters is enhanced by the combined effects of light intensity and temperature
Published: 22 June 20163393PDF: 1093HTML: 1293 -
Scaled-chrysophyte assemblage changes in the sediment records of lakes recovering from marked acidification and metal contamination near Wawa, Ontario, Canada
Published: 24 July 20122568PDF: 623HTML: 609 -
Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation
Published: 8 October 20143689PDF: 857Supplementary: 235HTML: 1120 -
Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system
Published: 13 April 20163417PDF: 1135HTML: 1683 -
Structure and density population of the invasive mollusc Limnoperna fortunei associated with Eichhornia crassipes in lakes of the Middle Paraná floodplain
Published: 13 April 20152074PDF: 826HTML: 886 -
Effects of the proximal factors on the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in a plateau meso-eutrophic Lake Erhai, China
Published: 26 March 20142643PDF: 910HTML: 1428 -
Using a morpho-functional approach to assess phytoplankton dynamics in two adjacent high-mountain lakes: a 10-year survey
Published: 6 May 20143467PDF: 1051Supplementary: 397HTML: 981 -
Identification of aquatic consumer trophic pathways in four volcanic tropical lakes using fatty acid biomarkers
Published: 19 July 20222668PDF: 423Supplementary: 175HTML: 209 -
Sources of organic matter affect depth-related microbial community composition in sediments of Lake Erhai, Southwest China
Published: 24 November 20142856PDF: 994Supplementary: 344HTML: 1945 -
Odonata assemblages in anthropogenically impacted lotic habitats
Published: 3 November 20202828PDF: 569Supplementary: 127HTML: 36 -
Assessing the potential environmental factors affecting cladoceran assemblage composition in arsenic-contaminated lakes near abandoned silver mines
Published: 17 May 2021798PDF: 299Supplementary: 78HTML: 11 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174591PDF: 898Supplementary: 327HTML: 1096 -
Ostracod valves as efficient UV protection
Published: 19 January 20122402PDF: 830HTML: 589 -
Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days
Published: 21 June 20211008PDF: 358Supplementary: 97HTML: 17 -
Long-term effects of extreme weather events and eutrophication on the fish community of shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 6 June 20134469PDF: 949HTML: 1407 -
Unprecedented changes in mollusc assemblages of the littoral zone in the two largest peri-Alpine French lakes since the last 4500 years
Published: 12 February 20142790PDF: 807HTML: 1115 -
Temporal and altitudinal variations in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean river basin of Argentina
Published: 27 February 20143881PDF: 1295HTML: 1413 -
Gross mismatches between salmonid stocking and capture record data in a large Alpine lake basin in Northern Italy suggest a low stocking effectiveness for an endangered native trout
Published: 16 June 20231753PDF: 312Supplementary: 52HTML: 20 -
Fisheries impacts on lake ecosystem structure in the context of a changing climate and trophic state
Published: 27 June 20174103PDF: 1153HTML: 360 -
Phytoplankton functional groups for ecological assessment in young sub-tropical reservoirs: case study of the Nam-Theun 2 Reservoir, Laos, South-East Asia
Published: 15 May 20143558PDF: 1270HTML: 2251 -
On the ecology of Cletocamptus gomezi Suárez-Morales, Barrera-Moreno & Ciros-Pérez 2013 (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) micro-endemic to Lake Alchichica, Central Mexico
Published: 7 November 20142172PDF: 805HTML: 1046 -
Trophic partitioning among three littoral microcrustaceans: relative importance of periphyton as food resource
Published: 24 July 20123083PDF: 744HTML: 450 -
A georeferenced dataset of Italian occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera
Published: 6 February 20231196PDF: 430HTML: 22 -
Impacts of an extreme flood on the ecosystem of a headwater stream
Published: 8 April 20211426PDF: 413Supplementary: 99HTML: 22 -
Effect of water chemistry on zooplanktonic and microbial communities across freshwater ecotones in different macrophyte-dominated shallow lakes
Published: 30 December 20153291PDF: 1418HTML: 2016 -
Phosphorus body content in an herbivorous fish in environments with different trophic state
Published: 13 April 20162581PDF: 836HTML: 1089 -
The population biology and life history traits of Eurasian ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), Pisces: Percidae] introduced into eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes in Northern Italy
Published: 26 April 20133137PDF: 716HTML: 1433 -
Local factors affecting the testate amoeba community (Protozoa: Arcellinida; Euglyphida) in a neotropical floodplain
Published: 9 February 20152356PDF: 852HTML: 1246 -
Mechanisms controlling the carbon stable isotope composition of phytoplankton in karst reservoirs
Published: 6 February 20133291PDF: 801HTML: 1671 -
Seasonal variation of mercury and δ15N in fish from Lake Heddalsvatn, southern Norway
Published: 11 June 20142526PDF: 979HTML: 1192 -
Larval fish sensitivity to a simulated cold-water pulse varies between species and age
Published: 22 July 20222354PDF: 401Supplementary: 162HTML: 135 -
Macroinvertebrate assemblages and biodiversity levels: ecological role of constructed wetlands and artificial ponds in a natural park
Published: 27 November 20144833PDF: 1555HTML: 1254 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164723PDF: 1714HTML: 8379 -
Spatial distribution of juvenile and adult stages of limnetic Cladocera in relation to selected environmental factors
Published: 19 January 20122328PDF: 1002HTML: 494