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Found 200 items.
Metabarcoding to monitor the crustacean zooplankton of a lake improves when using a reference DNA library from local samples
Published: 8 February 20231890PDF: 514HTML: 104Supplementary: 57Supplementary Data: 89 -
Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation
Published: 8 October 20143689PDF: 857Supplementary: 235HTML: 1120 -
A synoptic study of phytoplankton in the deep lakes south of the Alps (lakes Garda, Iseo, Como, Lugano and Maggiore)
Published: 1 August 200314366PDF: 1110 -
A georeferenced dataset of living and sedimentary diatoms in Lake Maggiore
Published: 6 February 2023807PDF: 326HTML: 14 -
Colonization of constructed ponds by crustacean zooplankton: local and regional influences
Published: 9 October 20133483PDF: 678HTML: 1164 -
Benthic processes in fresh water fluffy sediments undergoing resuspension
Published: 5 February 20133409PDF: 942HTML: 1347 -
Nutrient conditions and chironomid productivity in Kolkata, India: assessment for biomonitoring and ecological management
Published: 24 July 20122139PDF: 848HTML: 596 -
Repeated flood disturbance enhances rotifer dominance and diversity in a zooplankton community of a small dammed mountain pond
Published: 29 December 20163569PDF: 851HTML: 793 -
Unexpected increases in rotifer resting egg abundances during the period of contamination of Lake Orta
Published: 13 April 20162908PDF: 917HTML: 1649 -
Analysis of eutrophication state and trend for lakes in China
Published: 1 September 20034144PDF: 1552 -
New records of the rare glacial relict Eurytemora lacustris (Poppe 1887) (Copepoda; Calanoida) in atypical lake habitats of northern Germany
Published: 1 February 20111943PDF: 901 -
Responses of epibenthic and nektonic macroinvertebrate communities to a gradient of fish size in ponds
Published: 29 July 20142532PDF: 1038Supplementary: 286HTML: 1337 -
To flee or not to flee: detection, avoidance and attraction of profitable resources by Daphnia magna studied with olfactometer
Published: 2 October 20133966PDF: 869HTML: 5038 -
Occurrence of two distinct lineages of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (Hydrozoa: Limnomedusae) in Italy
Published: 7 December 20201690PDF: 555Supplementary: 141HTML: 28 -
Hitting the sweet spot of complexity: Reasons why the development of new custom-tailored models is still warranted and should be encouraged in aquatic sciences
Published: 27 September 2021916PDF: 262HTML: 14 -
Zooplankton as an early warning system of persistent organic pollutants contamination in a deep lake (lake Iseo, Northern Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122606PDF: 767APPENDIX: 369HTML: 674 -
Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days
Published: 21 June 20211008PDF: 358Supplementary: 97HTML: 17 -
Effect of intensive epilimnetic withdrawal on phytoplankton community in a (sub)tropical deep reservoir
Published: 2 October 20133385PDF: 873HTML: 1319 -
Effects of pretreatment on the sequential phosphorus fractionation of anaerobic sediment
Published: 3 March 20142504PDF: 1069HTML: 919 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143174PDF: 1076Supplementary: 282HTML: 949 -
Morphological abnormalities in cladocerans related to eutrophication of a tropical reservoir
Published: 27 October 20163176PDF: 1041HTML: 1573 -
Attenuation of ultraviolet radiation and photosynthetically active radiation in six Yunnan Plateau lakes of China based on seasonal field investigations
Published: 26 February 2020856PDF: 482HTML: 34 -
Incidence of phytoplankton and environmental conditions on the bacterial ammonium uptake in a subtropical coastal lagoon
Published: 13 March 20142888PDF: 880HTML: 883 -
The effects of temperature on oxygen uptake and nutrient flux in sediment inhabited by molluscs
Published: 5 February 20133233PDF: 795HTML: 608 -
Using integrated multivariate statistics to assess the hydrochemistry of surface water quality, Lake Taihu basin, China
Published: 24 September 20143957PDF: 1059Supplementary: 306HTML: 1230 -
Effects of the proximal factors on the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in a plateau meso-eutrophic Lake Erhai, China
Published: 26 March 20142643PDF: 910HTML: 1428 -
Seasonal variability of water quality and metazooplankton community structure in Xiaowan Reservoir of the upper Mekong River
Published: 20 February 20143114PDF: 1003HTML: 563 -
Species richness of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra and Goa (India), with biogeographical comments
Published: 27 August 20143155PDF: 1197HTML: 1074 -
Diel vertical distribution of planktonic microcrustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) in a natural shallow lake from Transylvania, Romania
Published: 4 March 20142183PDF: 1135HTML: 581 -
Underwater light field determined by water constituents in highly turbid water: the case of Taihu lake
Published: 5 February 201311768PDF: 1083HTML: 1676 -
Development of a flexible dialysis pore water sampler placement system: easy handling and related error sources
Published: 2 December 20142280PDF: 663HTML: 1455 -
Grazing affects periphytic algal biomass in the periphyton-macrophyte relationship independently of the substrate type and nutrient status Algae-substrate relationship
Published: 22 January 2020985PDF: 476HTML: 41 -
Eudiaptomus gracilis in Italy: how, where and why
Published: 1 February 20072006PDF: 671 -
In situ effects of arsenic, aluminium and chromium stresses on algal periphyton of the river Ganga at Varanasi, India
Published: 30 June 20231060PDF: 293HTML: 22 -
Experiments on invertebrate predation on cladocerans and its relationships with lake data
Published: 7 October 20212349PDF: 353HTML: 119 -
Daily and seasonal dynamics of littoral zone fish communities in the lowland Włocławek Reservoir (central Poland), with a special emphasis on alien invasive gobies
Published: 22 April 20223084PDF: 401HTML: 139 -
A ~150-year record of human impact in the Lake Wuliangsu (China) watershed: evidence from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and organochlorine pesticide distributions in sediments
Published: 31 October 20163312PDF: 812HTML: 1309 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122516PDF: 1054HTML: 576 -
Carbon assimilation and phytoplankton growth rates across the trophic spectrum: an application of the chlorophyll labelling technique
Published: 1 February 20042250PDF: 622 -
The influence of aquatic macrophytes on distribution and feeding habit of two Asplanchna species (A. priodonta and A. herrickii) in shallow wetlands, South Korea
Published: 11 June 20142673PDF: 979Supplementary: 266HTML: 1272 -
Formation of large colonies: a defense mechanism of Microcystis aeruginosa under continuous grazing pressure by flagellate Ochromonas sp.
Published: 19 January 20124530PDF: 1673HTML: 709 -
Winter and spring mixing depths affect the trophic status and composition of phytoplankton in the northern meromictic basin of Lake Lugano
Published: 1 August 20032554PDF: 793 -
Sustainment of epiphytic microinvertebrate assemblage in relation with different aquatic plant microhabitats in freshwater wetlands (South Korea)
Published: 21 February 20142448PDF: 884HTML: 933 -
A long-term (1986-2010) phytoplankton dataset from the LTER-Italy site Lake Candia
Published: 2 March 2023748PDF: 347HTML: 15 -
Diatom communities and ecological status classification in the upper Po River basin
Published: 13 July 2021982PDF: 398Annex 1: 178HTML: 91 -
Structural and functional responses of the oligochaete and aeolosomatid assemblage in lowland streams: a one-way-pollution-modelled ecosystem
Published: 30 March 20152395PDF: 790Supplementary: 278HTML: 1405 -
Exploring diatom diversity through cultures - a case study from the Bow River, Canada
Published: 6 December 20223571PDF: 367HTML: 11 -
Seasonal variations in population dynamics and biomass of two Unio pictorum mancus (Mollusca, Unionidae) populations from two lakes of different trophic state
Published: 1 February 20072086PDF: 746 -
Decomposition of Egeria densa Planchon (Hydrocharitaceae) in a well oxygenated tropical aquatic ecosystem
Published: 22 October 20142509PDF: 870HTML: 903