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Found 349 items.
The increasing spread of the European barbel in the Italian large lowland rivers is threatening the native species
Published: 21 September 2023685PDF: 198Supplementary: 33HTML: 5 -
Presence and patterns of alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus cycling in natural riparian zones under changing nutrient conditions
Published: 22 August 20143444PDF: 945HTML: 1125 -
A georeferenced dataset of living and sedimentary diatoms in Lake Maggiore
Published: 6 February 2023887PDF: 337HTML: 15 -
Mercury methylation in oxic aquatic macro-environments: a review
Published: 9 March 20212280PDF: 705HTML: 127 -
A global analysis of zooplankton in natural and artificial fresh waters
Published: 6 February 20134962PDF: 1198HTML: 1744 -
Influence of wastewater discharges on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a Cantabrian-Atlantic coastal river
Published: 25 October 20212678PDF: 408HTML: 128 -
Invasive alien plant species, riverbank instability and hydraulic risk: what do we know about Amorpha fruticosa, Arundo donax and Reynoutria japonica?
Published: 13 December 20241127PDF: 126HTML: 1 -
Environmental DNA survey indicates arrival of quagga mussel in Ticino River basin
Published: 5 April 20232096PDF: 415Supplementary: 67HTML: 25 -
Changes in cyanobacterial density due to application of Artificial Floating Island model with macrophytes: an experimental case study in a tropical reservoir
Published: 28 October 20202593PDF: 583Supplementary: 144HTML: 34 -
Compensatory growth in Microcystis aeruginosa after moderate high-temperature exposure
Published: 22 April 20152013PDF: 733HTML: 821 -
One-dimensional simulation of lake and ice dynamics during winter
Published: 9 April 20143772PDF: 1302HTML: 1071 -
Oligochaete distribution in alpine freshwaters: not a mere question of altitude
Published: 4 October 20231156PDF: 333Supplementary: 46HTML: 5 -
Cladocera resting egg banks in temporary and permanent wetlands
Published: 28 October 20202468PDF: 474HTML: 43 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
Published: 29 May 20135074PDF: 850Supplementary: 232HTML: 1266 -
Study of the embryogenesis of Dunhevedia crassa King, 1853 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) and a comparison of embryonic instar durations in different cladocerans
Published: 18 October 20133625PDF: 525HTML: 1410 -
Impacts of an extreme flood on the ecosystem of a headwater stream
Published: 8 April 20211713PDF: 427Supplementary: 107HTML: 22 -
Cyclopoid and calanoid copepod biodiversity in Indonesia
Published: 29 October 20135103PDF: 779 -
Nutrients retention in a small subtropical wetland (México)
Published: 22 March 20161857PDF: 736HTML: 1419 -
The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China
Published: 4 February 20163437PDF: 985Supplementary: 356HTML: 1351 -
Combined effect of temperature and salinity on hatching characteristics of three fairy shrimp species (Crustacea: Anostraca)
Published: 26 May 20143250PDF: 1287HTML: 1474 -
Environmental and spatial factors influencing the distribution of cladocerans in lakes across the central Canadian Arctic treeline region
Published: 1 February 20102696PDF: 1420 -
Retrospective assessment of macrophytic communities in southern Lake Garda (Italy) from in situ and MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) data
Published: 19 January 20122742PDF: 805HTML: 1096 -
Photosynthetic response to nitrogen source and different ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus in toxic cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB-905
Published: 7 June 20163170PDF: 1222HTML: 1220 -
Community structure, life histories and secondary production of stoneflies in two small mountain streams with different degree of forest cover
Published: 13 October 20152176PDF: 768HTML: 752 -
Cascading effect of exotic fish fry on plankton community in a tropical Andean high mountain lake: a mesocosm experiment
Published: 26 January 20173992PDF: 1047HTML: 923 -
Moored observations of turbulent mixing events in deep Lake Garda, Italy
Published: 3 November 20202971PDF: 808HTML: 13 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174844PDF: 910Supplementary: 333HTML: 1099 -
Effect of water quality on the feeding ecology of axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum
Published: 21 October 20139399PDF: 2005HTML: 2707 -
Formation of large colonies: a defense mechanism of Microcystis aeruginosa under continuous grazing pressure by flagellate Ochromonas sp.
Published: 19 January 20124740PDF: 1687HTML: 709 -
The challenges of long-term ecological research in springs in the northern and southern Alps: indicator groups, habitat diversity, and medium-term change
Published: 1 September 20112054PDF: 1139 -
Estimation of the eddy diffusivity coefficient in a warm monomictic tropical Lake
Published: 22 March 20162832PDF: 762HTML: 1153 -
Colonization of constructed ponds by crustacean zooplankton: local and regional influences
Published: 9 October 20133692PDF: 686HTML: 1164 -
Atmospheric deposition chemistry in a subalpine area of the Julian Alps, North-West Slovenia
Published: 26 April 20133326PDF: 717HTML: 1186 -
Long-term persistence of sedimentary copper contamination in Lake Orta: potential environmental risks 20 years after liming
Published: 13 April 20162465PDF: 774Supplementary: 366HTML: 1527 -
Are antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage related to biological and autecological characteristics in aquatic insects?
Published: 7 November 20163372PDF: 819HTML: 1662 -
Presence and identification of Legionella and Aeromonas spp. in the Great Masurian Lakes system in the context of eutrophication Legionella and Aeromonas spp. in the Great Masurian Lakes system
Published: 26 November 20191428PDF: 483Supplementary: 126HTML: 12 -
The effect of lake sediment on the hatching success of Daphnia ephippial eggs
Published: 4 July 20162632PDF: 1167HTML: 1103 -
Mapping bathymetry and shallow water benthic habitats in inland and coastal waters with Sentinel-2
Published: 15 March 20231828PDF: 522HTML: 73 -
Aquatic biomonitoring: Lessons from the past, challenges for the future
Published: 26 July 20172421PDF: 862 -
A survey of bdelloid rotifers from coastal ponds in Southern Norway
Published: 10 February 2025867PDF: 97HTML: 1 -
Testing a new multigroup inference approach to reconstructing past environmental conditions
Published: 1 August 20082856PDF: 549 -
Effect of clone size on submergence tolerance and post-submergence growth recovery in Carex brevicuspis (Cyperaceae)
Published: 30 December 20163123PDF: 575Supplementary: 334HTML: 1169 -
Relationships between physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in the monimolimnion of a forest meromictic lake
Published: 12 May 20142581PDF: 1025HTML: 1132 -
Secondary productivity of main microcrustacean species of two tropical reservoirs in Brazil and its relationship with trophic state
Published: 4 February 20164114PDF: 1505HTML: 2009 -
Is there a common threshold to subfossil chironomid assemblages at 16 m water depth? Evidence from the Tibetan Plateau 16 m water depth – a chironomid depth threshold?
Published: 1 July 20201219PDF: 431Supplementary: 105HTML: 8 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143280PDF: 1082Supplementary: 285HTML: 949 -
Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes
Published: 7 June 20163889PDF: 1460HTML: 1442 -
The past, the present and the future of eutardigrade taxonomy
Published: 27 March 20132606PDF: 709 -
Preserving the heritage of limnology in Italy
Published: 13 July 20212137PDF: 277HTML: 36Suppl 1 _Llist of papers in Mem Ist Ital Idrobiol: 0Suppl 2_Antique instruments of limnology: 0