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Found 123 items.
Longitudinal recovery gradient of macroinvertebrates during different hydrological scenarios in a downstream river reach
Published: 7 June 20231879PDF: 326Figure S1. MFA_Complex_Full_Partial_axes: 86Figure S2. MFA_Complex_Full_IND: 75Table S1. Taxonomic distribution: 69Table S2. PCA_Bio_St: 71Table S3. Environmental variables: 70Table S4. Daily flow time series: 71Table S5. PCA_Hydro_St: 77Table S6. PCA_Chem_St: 73Table S7. MFA_Complex: 80HTML: 30 -
Complex effects of acidification, habitat properties and fish stock on littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages in montane standing waters
Published: 11 January 20224392PDF: 367Supplementary: 210HTML: 121 -
Modelling beta diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in High Andean wetlands
Published: 26 June 20173621PDF: 872Supplementary: 255HTML: 863 -
Temporal changes in periphytic meiofauna in lakes of different trophic states
Published: 19 January 20122694PDF: 1260HTML: 505 -
Responses of epibenthic and nektonic macroinvertebrate communities to a gradient of fish size in ponds
Published: 29 July 20142517PDF: 1035Supplementary: 285HTML: 1337 -
Long-term persistence of sedimentary copper contamination in Lake Orta: potential environmental risks 20 years after liming
Published: 13 April 20162304PDF: 766Supplementary: 365HTML: 1527 -
Hypoxia and anoxia effects on alcohol dehydrogenase activity and hemoglobin content in Chironomus riparius Meigen, 1804
Published: 4 February 20163326PDF: 898HTML: 1159 -
The dynamics of seasonal ostracod density in groyne fields of the Oder River (Poland)
Published: 26 February 20142332PDF: 808HTML: 1176 -
Influence of water quality and seasonal variations on freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity and community structure in wastewater treatment ponds, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand
Published: 5 June 2024584PDF: 229Supplementary: 81HTML: 45 -
Richness of littoral macroinvertebrate communities in mountain ponds from NW Spain: what factors does it depend on?
Published: 19 January 20122779PDF: 1202HTML: 777 -
The meiofauna as neglected carriers of antibiotic resistant and pathogenic bacteria in freshwater ecosystems
Published: 29 November 2021958PDF: 316HTML: 89 -
Demography and feeding behavior of Stenostomum leucops (Dugés, 1828)
Published: 22 March 20162040PDF: 659HTML: 1299 -
Influence of bryophyte biomass and organic matter quantity on the abundance and richness of oligochaetes in forest streams with different phytophysiognomies in southeastern Brazil
Published: 4 February 20162008PDF: 713HTML: 1051 -
Trophic partitioning among three littoral microcrustaceans: relative importance of periphyton as food resource
Published: 24 July 20123075PDF: 743HTML: 450 -
Macroinvertebrate biodiversity patterns during primary succession in manmade ponds in north-eastern Spain
Published: 13 March 20143489PDF: 1337HTML: 660 -
Ontogenetic shifts in terrestrial reliance of stream-dwelling brown trout
Published: 1 July 20161902PDF: 636Supplementary: 268HTML: 880 -
Neglected dipterans in stream studies
Published: 2 August 20241041PDF: 234Supplementary: 43HTML: 27 -
Structural and functional responses of the oligochaete and aeolosomatid assemblage in lowland streams: a one-way-pollution-modelled ecosystem
Published: 30 March 20152393PDF: 789Supplementary: 277HTML: 1405 -
Role of macrophyte life forms in driving periphytic microalgal assemblages in a Brazilian reservoir
Published: 11 August 20153731PDF: 1163Supplementary: 277HTML: 2201 -
When and how? Freshwater mussel recolonization in Lake Orta
Published: 13 April 20162382PDF: 926HTML: 1752 -
Assessment of the effects of the dry period on the faunal composition of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two temporary ponds in NW Spain
Published: 2 March 20152994PDF: 974HTML: 1573 -
Longitudinal effects of land-cover transitions on the periphyton community of a tropical stream
Published: 26 June 2024780PDF: 223Supplementary: 55HTML: 41 -
Impacts of an extreme flood on the ecosystem of a headwater stream
Published: 8 April 20211395PDF: 409Supplementary: 98HTML: 22 -
Fossil cladoceran record from Lake Piramide Inferiore (5067 m asl) in the Nepalese Himalayas: biogeographical and paleoecological implications
Published: 30 April 20142739PDF: 929HTML: 1213 -
Catchment liming creates recolonization opportunity for sensitive invertebrates in a smelter impacted landscape
Published: 13 April 20161971PDF: 821HTML: 1410 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231718PDF: 371Supplementary File 1: 154Supplementary File 2: 116African rotifer records: 310HTML: 25 -
Seasonal quantitative dynamics and ecology of pelagic rotifers in an acidified boreal lake
Published: 5 December 20172373PDF: 499HTML: 515 -
Co-occurrence between macrophytes and macroinvertebrates: towards a new approach for the running waters quality evaluation?
Published: 22 August 20142590PDF: 1076Supplementary: 296HTML: 1046 -
The effect of lake sediment on the hatching success of Daphnia ephippial eggs
Published: 4 July 20162421PDF: 1154HTML: 1098 -
The structure of planktonic communities of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in three environments of the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil
Published: 13 August 20152778PDF: 821Supplementary: 257HTML: 1065 -
A review of rice field ostracods (Crustacea) with a checklist of species
Published: 8 August 20173605PDF: 988Supplementary: 454HTML: 689 -
Spatial and seasonal distribution of invertebrates in Northern Apennine rheocrene springs
Published: 1 September 20112438PDF: 760 -
Effect of substrate on periphyton communities and relationships among food web components in shallow hypertrophic lake
Published: 6 July 20123344PDF: 843HTML: 1713 -
The environmental requirements of Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and the potential of the species for use as an indicator: an example from the Vistulian glaciation area
Published: 30 January 20152883PDF: 885HTML: 1030 -
Environmental factors affecting the distribution of Chironomid larvae of the Seybouse wadi, North-Eastern Algeria
Published: 27 March 20132671PDF: 843Supplementary: 212HTML: 1185 -
Oligochaete distribution in alpine freshwaters: not a mere question of altitude
Published: 4 October 20231009PDF: 327Supplementary: 43HTML: 5 -
The dark side of springs: what drives small-scale spatial patterns of subsurface meiofaunal assemblages?
Published: 13 February 20143858PDF: 921HTML: 1004 -
Isolation by sugar flotation has no direct effect on the hatching success of zooplankton resting eggs
Published: 2 March 20163384PDF: 1090HTML: 1962 -
Temporal habitat suitability modeling of Caspian shad (Alosa spp.) in the southern Caspian Sea
Published: 30 November 20152300PDF: 653HTML: 2235 -
Impact of potash mining in streams: the Llobregat basin (northeast Spain) as a case study
Published: 29 December 20164518PDF: 1175HTML: 875 -
Effects of water level management on lake littorals and downstream river areas
Published: 13 November 2023686PDF: 117HTML: 4 -
Estimating age composition in Alpine native populations of Austropotamobius pallipes complex
Published: 20 March 20151911PDF: 766HTML: 1181 -
Seasonal variation of mercury and δ15N in fish from Lake Heddalsvatn, southern Norway
Published: 11 June 20142419PDF: 975HTML: 1192 -
Spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria across eight freshwater lakes in sediments from Jiangsu of China
Published: 4 March 20143078PDF: 1224HTML: 698 -
What have we learned about ecological recovery from liming interventions of acid lakes in Canada and Italy?
Published: 13 April 20162833PDF: 949HTML: 1302 -
Structure and density population of the invasive mollusc Limnoperna fortunei associated with Eichhornia crassipes in lakes of the Middle Paraná floodplain
Published: 13 April 20152070PDF: 825HTML: 886 -
Nutrient conditions and chironomid productivity in Kolkata, India: assessment for biomonitoring and ecological management
Published: 24 July 20122080PDF: 847HTML: 595 -
Mollusk communities of the central Congo River shaped by combined effects of barriers, environmental gradients, and species dispersal
Published: 2 May 20173354PDF: 662Suppl. Tab. 1: 666Suppl. File_html: 1548HTML: 741 -
Environmental concerns about the effects of effluents from wastewater treatment plants in tourist areas of the Alps: toxicity in aquatic microorganisms
Published: 3 September 2021751PDF: 286Supplementary: 62HTML: 57 -
Sub-fossil chironomids as indicators of hydrological changes in the shallow and high-altitude lake Shen Co, Tibetan Plateau, over the past two centuries
Published: 28 July 20222877PDF: 489Supplementary: 178HTML: 132