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Found 368 items.
The environmental requirements of Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and the potential of the species for use as an indicator: an example from the Vistulian glaciation area
Published: 30 January 20152881PDF: 885HTML: 1030 -
Daphnia diversity in water bodies of the Po River Basin
Published: 16 December 20163599PDF: 807Supplementary: 356HTML: 827 -
Chlorophyll a interference in phycocyanin and allophycocyanin spectrophotometric quantification
Published: 28 September 20173800PDF: 1014Supplementary: 170HTML: 868 -
Zooplankton abundance, species composition and ecology of tropical high-mountain crater lake Wonchi, Ethiopia
Published: 11 November 20145834PDF: 1550HTML: 2620 -
Retrospective assessment of macrophytic communities in southern Lake Garda (Italy) from in situ and MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) data
Published: 19 January 20122549PDF: 790HTML: 1095 -
Responses of epibenthic and nektonic macroinvertebrate communities to a gradient of fish size in ponds
Published: 29 July 20142517PDF: 1035Supplementary: 285HTML: 1337 -
Water quality and avian inputs as sources of isotopic variability in aquatic macrophytes and macroinvertebrates
Published: 19 January 20121873PDF: 808HTML: 315 -
Faunistic survey of the zooplankton community in an oligotrophic sinkhole, Cenote Azul (Quintana Roo, Mexico), using different sampling methods, and documented with DNA barcodes Zooplankton baseline in a karstic system
Published: 21 June 20181628PDF: 643Id Tree of all specimens: 281HTML: 84 -
Atmospheric deposition chemistry in a subalpine area of the Julian Alps, North-West Slovenia
Published: 26 April 20133084PDF: 706HTML: 1186 -
Biodiversity of microcrustaceans (Cladocera, Copepoda) in a lowland river ecosystem
Published: 22 June 20163525PDF: 1432Supplementary: 455HTML: 1479 -
Influence of bryophyte biomass and organic matter quantity on the abundance and richness of oligochaetes in forest streams with different phytophysiognomies in southeastern Brazil
Published: 4 February 20162008PDF: 713HTML: 1051 -
Macroinvertebrate biodiversity patterns during primary succession in manmade ponds in north-eastern Spain
Published: 13 March 20143489PDF: 1337HTML: 660 -
Lakes and rivers as microcosms, version 2.0
Published: 26 August 20133324PDF: 891Supplementary: 312 -
Local factors affecting the testate amoeba community (Protozoa: Arcellinida; Euglyphida) in a neotropical floodplain
Published: 9 February 20152313PDF: 849HTML: 1246 -
Primary biodiversity data on zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, and fish from freshwater ecosystems of Uganda
Published: 6 February 20231915PDF: 405HTML: 22 -
Trophic interactions among the heterotrophic components of plankton in man-made peat pools
Published: 20 March 20172960PDF: 673HTML: 1095 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174547PDF: 895Supplementary: 326HTML: 1096 -
Anuran larvae diet from agroecosystem’s ponds: environmental quality and implications for their populations
Published: 2 November 20162181PDF: 924Supplementary: 331HTML: 1506 -
The structure of planktonic communities of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in three environments of the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil
Published: 13 August 20152778PDF: 821Supplementary: 257HTML: 1065 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173540PDF: 910Supplementary: 225HTML: 743 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143168PDF: 1074Supplementary: 281HTML: 949 -
Can fish introductions alter nutrient cycles in previously fishless high-latitude lakes?
Published: 15 April 20163364PDF: 1394HTML: 1657 -
Ecological similarities between two Mediterranean wetlands: Sidi Boughaba (North-West Morocco) and the Doñana National Park (South-West Spain)
Published: 26 April 20133786PDF: 626HTML: 1381 -
Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation
Published: 8 October 20143559PDF: 853Supplementary: 234HTML: 1119 -
Presence and patterns of alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus cycling in natural riparian zones under changing nutrient conditions
Published: 22 August 20143271PDF: 931HTML: 1124 -
Sampling and laboratory protocols to study the effects of water-level management on the littoral invertebrate fauna in deep and large temperate lakes
Published: 23 September 2022837PDF: 272HTML: 19 -
Influence of re-flooding on phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate wetland following prolonged drought
Published: 25 February 20143114PDF: 1256Supplementary: 422HTML: 1883 -
Photoalteration of macrophyte-derived chromophoric dissolved organic matter induces growth of single bacterial populations in a coastal lagoon
Published: 25 October 20133391PDF: 644HTML: 988 -
Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation
Published: 24 February 20152477PDF: 701HTML: 650 -
A hydrologic index based method for determining ecologically acceptable water-level range of Dongting Lake
Published: 4 August 20143493PDF: 969HTML: 787 -
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Published: 28 September 20212366PDF: 340HTML: 127 -
Trends in Ostracoda and Cladocera distribution and water chemistry in subarctic Canada: Churchill (Manitoba) lakes and ponds revisited
Published: 21 March 20174401PDF: 826Suppl. Tab. 1: 1515Suppl. Tab. 2: 1473HTML: 818 -
Spatial variation of picoplankton communities along a cascade reservoir system in Patagonia, Argentina
Published: 3 September 2021803PDF: 202Supplementary 1: 211Supplementary 2: 194HTML: 16 -
The effect of turbidity and prey fish density on consumption rates of piscivorous Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis
Published: 21 January 20144142PDF: 1010HTML: 460 -
Scale and watershed features determine lake chemistry patterns across physiographic regions in the far north of Ontario, Canada
Published: 8 November 20162719PDF: 881Supplementary: 332HTML: 1362 -
A long-term multi-proxy record of varved sediments highlights climate-induced mixing-regime shift in a large hard-water lake ~5000 years ago
Published: 9 June 20143720PDF: 1124Supplementary: 405HTML: 1857 -
A review of rice field ostracods (Crustacea) with a checklist of species
Published: 8 August 20173604PDF: 988Supplementary: 454HTML: 689 -
Effect of water chemistry on zooplanktonic and microbial communities across freshwater ecotones in different macrophyte-dominated shallow lakes
Published: 30 December 20153264PDF: 1416HTML: 2016 -
The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China
Published: 4 February 20163262PDF: 971Supplementary: 351HTML: 1350 -
The role of the hydrological cycle on the temporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
Published: 22 March 20161811PDF: 798Supplementary: 361HTML: 1368 -
Phytoplankton functional groups for ecological assessment in young sub-tropical reservoirs: case study of the Nam-Theun 2 Reservoir, Laos, South-East Asia
Published: 15 May 20143546PDF: 1268HTML: 2251 -
Combined effect of temperature and salinity on hatching characteristics of three fairy shrimp species (Crustacea: Anostraca)
Published: 26 May 20143170PDF: 1278HTML: 1468 -
Assessing the effects of climate and volcanism on diatom and chironomid assemblages in an Andean lake near Quito, Ecuador
Published: 30 December 20154119PDF: 1338HTML: 1261 -
Catchment liming creates recolonization opportunity for sensitive invertebrates in a smelter impacted landscape
Published: 13 April 20161971PDF: 821HTML: 1410 -
Phytoplankton dynamic and bioindication in the Kondopoga Bay, Lake Onego (Northern Russia)
Published: 3 March 20143220PDF: 1142HTML: 1260 -
The impact of dredging of a small lowland river on water beetle fauna (Coleoptera)
Published: 28 April 20162766PDF: 903HTML: 1474 -
Biological conservation of aquatic inland habitats: these are better days
Published: 26 August 20133535PDF: 1431 -
Lake-wide assessment of trace elements in surface sediments and water of Lake Sevan
Published: 10 May 2023835PDF: 284Supplementary: 44HTML: 8 -
Interaction between simulated dense Scenedesmus dimorphus (Chlorophyta) bloom and freshwater meta-zooplankton community
Published: 8 March 20181365PDF: 506HTML: 32 -
Isolation by sugar flotation has no direct effect on the hatching success of zooplankton resting eggs
Published: 2 March 20163384PDF: 1090HTML: 1962