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Found 92 items.
Phytoplankton association patterns in the deep southern subalpine lakes (Part 2)
Published: 1 August 20031649PDF: 537 -
The meiofauna as neglected carriers of antibiotic resistant and pathogenic bacteria in freshwater ecosystems
Published: 29 November 2021962PDF: 317HTML: 90 -
Changes in physico-chemical conditions and macrophyte abundance in a shallow soft-water lake mediated by a Great Cormorant roosting colony
Published: 5 August 20142637PDF: 925HTML: 867 -
Congruencies between photoautotrophic groups in springs of the Italian Alps: implications for conservation strategies
Published: 1 September 20111716PDF: 623 -
Winter decrease of zooplankton abundance and biomass in subalpine oligotrophic Lake Atnsjøen (SE Norway) Seasonal changes of zooplankton in a subalpine lake
Published: 10 September 20191396PDF: 579Supplementary: 134HTML: 98 -
Double origin of the racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus) in Poland revealed with mitochondrial marker. Possible implications for the species alien/native status
Published: 1 September 20152983PDF: 854HTML: 1309 -
Sediment-water oxygen, ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus fluxes in a turbid freshwater estuary (Curonian lagoon, Lithuania): evidences of benthic microalgal activity
Published: 24 July 20123240PDF: 881HTML: 993 -
Mid-late Holocene lake levels and trophic states of a shallow lake from the southern Pampa plain, Argentina
Published: 24 April 20143375PDF: 1581HTML: 1409 -
Spatial variation of picoplankton communities along a cascade reservoir system in Patagonia, Argentina
Published: 3 September 2021804PDF: 203Supplementary 1: 211Supplementary 2: 194HTML: 16 -
A global analysis of zooplankton in natural and artificial fresh waters
Published: 6 February 20134765PDF: 1184HTML: 1743 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173540PDF: 910Supplementary: 225HTML: 743 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231734PDF: 372Supplementary File 1: 154Supplementary File 2: 116African rotifer records: 310HTML: 25 -
Can fish introductions alter nutrient cycles in previously fishless high-latitude lakes?
Published: 15 April 20163367PDF: 1397HTML: 1657 -
Recent dynamics (1995-1999) of the phytoplankton assemblages in Lago Maggiore as a basic tool for defining association patterns in the Italian deep lakes
Published: 1 February 20021860PDF: 782 -
Mechanisms controlling the carbon stable isotope composition of phytoplankton in karst reservoirs
Published: 6 February 20133288PDF: 801HTML: 1671 -
Trends in Ostracoda and Cladocera distribution and water chemistry in subarctic Canada: Churchill (Manitoba) lakes and ponds revisited
Published: 21 March 20174417PDF: 826Suppl. Tab. 1: 1517Suppl. Tab. 2: 1475HTML: 818 -
Evaluating macroinvertebrate community shifts in the confluence of freestone and limestone streams
Published: 30 July 20143183PDF: 984HTML: 921 -
Testing the response of macroinvertebrate functional structure and biodiversity to flooding and confinement
Published: 1 August 20092144PDF: 815 -
IMOST: a database for non-marine ostracods in the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and Macaronesia
Published: 15 February 2023666PDF: 327Supplementary: 74HTML: 15 -
Epipelon dynamics in a shallow lake through a turbid-and a clear- water regime
Published: 2 March 20162074PDF: 843HTML: 1343 -
Assessment of the effects of the dry period on the faunal composition of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two temporary ponds in NW Spain
Published: 2 March 20152996PDF: 975HTML: 1573 -
A non-deterministic approach to forecasting the trophic evolution of lakes
Published: 22 March 20162634PDF: 689HTML: 1344 -
Intraspecific differences in hatching phenology of the fairy shrimp Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost, 1803 (Crustacea, Anostraca) in relation to habitat duration
Published: 1 September 20041408PDF: 646 -
Diet-tissue discrimination factors of three neotropical freshwater fishes and a comparison of the trophic position
Published: 21 December 20231271PDF: 196Supplementary: 33HTML: 6 -
Expansion of the marbled crayfish in Slovakia: beginning of an invasion in the Danube catchment?
Published: 26 January 20164533PDF: 1285HTML: 920 -
Potential use of ecotoxicological biomarkers in Serratella ignita (Ephemeroptera) larvae for Alcantara river (Sicily, Italy) water quality assessment
Published: 10 June 20132869PDF: 681HTML: 896 -
A review of rice field ostracods (Crustacea) with a checklist of species
Published: 8 August 20173618PDF: 989Supplementary: 454HTML: 692 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122511PDF: 1053HTML: 576 -
The effect of lake sediment on the hatching success of Daphnia ephippial eggs
Published: 4 July 20162423PDF: 1154HTML: 1098 -
Seasonal morphological variability in an in situ Cyanobacteria monoculture: example from a persistent Cylindrospermopsis bloom in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico
Published: 22 March 20161964PDF: 889HTML: 1625 -
Spatial distribution of fish assemblages along environmental gradients in the temporary ponds of Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Published: 5 February 20132948PDF: 655HTML: 907 -
Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
Published: 21 December 20164721PDF: 967Supplementary: 314HTML: 799 -
First time in Italy. Is the elusive aquatic megadrile Sparganophilus Benham, 1892 (Annelida, Clitellata) accelerating its dispersal in Europe?
Published: 15 May 20142985PDF: 868HTML: 1327 -
Population dynamics of the pioneer population of Daphnia parvula, Fordyce during the invasion of Lake Candia (Northern Italy)
Published: 1 February 20041968PDF: 619 -
Is diatom richness responding to catchment glaciation? A case study from Canadian headwater streams
Published: 19 January 20122832PDF: 1337HTML: 2118 -
Occurrence of two distinct lineages of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (Hydrozoa: Limnomedusae) in Italy
Published: 7 December 20201686PDF: 552Supplementary: 140HTML: 28 -
Evaluation of ecological quality in peri-urban rivers in Mexico City: a proposal for identifying and validating reference sites using benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators
Published: 18 August 20153045PDF: 1059HTML: 1625 -
The effects of temperature on oxygen uptake and nutrient flux in sediment inhabited by molluscs
Published: 5 February 20133225PDF: 795HTML: 608 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143170PDF: 1074Supplementary: 281HTML: 949