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Found 204 items.
Sentinel-2 for mapping the spatio-temporal development of submerged aquatic vegetation at Lake Starnberg (Germany) Mapping the spatial distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation
Published: 2 January 20192087PDF: 740HTML: 44 -
Macroinvertebrate assemblages and biodiversity levels: ecological role of constructed wetlands and artificial ponds in a natural park
Published: 27 November 20144780PDF: 1550HTML: 1253 -
Modelling ecological specificities of freshwater molluscs: the exemplary case of Bythinella austriaca (v. Frauenfeld, 1857) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
Published: 26 July 20161651PDF: 729HTML: 1109 -
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Published: 28 September 20212365PDF: 337HTML: 127 -
Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation
Published: 24 February 20152476PDF: 701HTML: 650 -
Hydrological characteristics of extreme floods in the Klaserie River, a headwater stream in southern Africa
Published: 11 April 20231575PDF: 390Supplementary: 43HTML: 42 -
Environmental variability and human activity over the past 140 years documented by sediments of Ebinur Lake in arid central Asia
Published: 18 May 20173119PDF: 719HTML: 719 -
Atmospheric deposition chemistry in a subalpine area of the Julian Alps, North-West Slovenia
Published: 26 April 20133073PDF: 705HTML: 1186 -
Benthic processes in fresh water fluffy sediments undergoing resuspension
Published: 5 February 20133402PDF: 942HTML: 1347 -
Nearctic freshwater tardigrades: a review
Published: 1 September 20071861PDF: 926 -
Longitudinal recovery gradient of macroinvertebrates during different hydrological scenarios in a downstream river reach
Published: 7 June 20231858PDF: 324Figure S1. MFA_Complex_Full_Partial_axes: 86Figure S2. MFA_Complex_Full_IND: 75Table S1. Taxonomic distribution: 69Table S2. PCA_Bio_St: 71Table S3. Environmental variables: 70Table S4. Daily flow time series: 71Table S5. PCA_Hydro_St: 77Table S6. PCA_Chem_St: 73Table S7. MFA_Complex: 80HTML: 30 -
Is diatom richness responding to catchment glaciation? A case study from Canadian headwater streams
Published: 19 January 20122829PDF: 1336HTML: 2118 -
Expansion of the marbled crayfish in Slovakia: beginning of an invasion in the Danube catchment?
Published: 26 January 20164528PDF: 1284HTML: 920 -
Phytoplankton-zooplankton coupling in a cascade of hypertrophic fishponds
Published: 21 September 20231808PDF: 300Supplementary: 29HTML: 9 -
Effects of wind-induced sediment resuspension on distribution and morphological traits of aquatic weeds in shallow lakes
Published: 20 June 20171545PDF: 668 -
Hypoxia and anoxia effects on alcohol dehydrogenase activity and hemoglobin content in Chironomus riparius Meigen, 1804
Published: 4 February 20163318PDF: 898HTML: 1159 -
Exploring diatom diversity through cultures - a case study from the Bow River, Canada
Published: 6 December 20223552PDF: 363HTML: 11 -
Influence of underwater light climate on periphyton and phytoplankton communities in shallow lakes from the Pampa plain (Argentina) with contrasting steady states
Published: 5 February 20133638PDF: 911HTML: 976 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
Published: 21 June 20211554PDF: 450Supplementary: 91HTML: 21 -
Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes
Published: 7 June 20163582PDF: 1439HTML: 1441 -
Benthic macroinvertebrates in Italian rice fields
Published: 6 February 20134467PDF: 1230HTML: 2632 -
IMOST: a database for non-marine ostracods in the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and Macaronesia
Published: 15 February 2023661PDF: 324Supplementary: 74HTML: 15 -
Relationships between physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in the monimolimnion of a forest meromictic lake
Published: 12 May 20142426PDF: 1012HTML: 1132 -
Despite anthropogenic disturbance and moderate climate changes fish density and biomass fluctuated non directionally in a small stream
Published: 10 November 20142242PDF: 748HTML: 1015 -
A hydrologic index based method for determining ecologically acceptable water-level range of Dongting Lake
Published: 4 August 20143492PDF: 969HTML: 787 -
Effects of the hydrological cycle on the phycoperiphyton assemblage in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
Published: 22 March 20162200PDF: 822Supplementary: 257HTML: 1471 -
Phytoplankton assemblages in Lake Orta: has functional structure recovered in one of the largest acidic lakes in the world?
Published: 13 April 20162242PDF: 859HTML: 1431 -
First record of males of Cypridopsis vidua (Crustacea, Ostracoda) species complex for Europe
Published: 29 April 2024698PDF: 253HTML: 56 -
Cormorant predation on PIT-tagged lake fish
Published: 21 February 20144924PDF: 1086HTML: 1132 -
Biomonitoring of selected freshwater macrophytes to assess lake trace element contamination: a case study of Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Gujarat, India
Published: 1 February 20062913PDF: 1253 -
Littoral invertebrates associated with aquatic plants and bioassessment of ecological status in Lake Bracciano (Central Italy)
Published: 21 February 20052017PDF: 870 -
The environmental requirements of Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and the potential of the species for use as an indicator: an example from the Vistulian glaciation area
Published: 30 January 20152875PDF: 885HTML: 1030 -
Higher late summer methane emission from central than northern European lakes
Published: 31 August 20163447PDF: 1080Supplementary: 450HTML: 1322 -
Spatial uniformity in depth optima of midges: evidence from sedimentary archives of shallow Alpine and boreal lakes
Published: 19 January 20121756PDF: 552HTML: 469 -
Morphology-based classification of functional groups for potamoplankton
Published: 28 April 20153338PDF: 1022Supplementary: 317HTML: 909 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
Published: 29 May 20134836PDF: 836Supplementary: 226HTML: 1265 -
New physical and chemical perspectives on the ecology of Thorea hispida (Thoreaceae)
Published: 7 November 20142834PDF: 795HTML: 1268 -
Influence of submerged macrophytes on phosphorus in a eutrophic reservoir in a semiarid region Influence of submerged macrophytes on phosphorus
Published: 3 February 20201758PDF: 592HTML: 72 -
The effects of soils and soil stay on the egg morphology of Neotropical Eulimnadia (Branchiopoda: Limnadiidae)
Published: 27 January 20143444PDF: 812HTML: 1182 -
Within-lake variability of subfossil chironomid assemblage in a large, deep subtropical lake (Lugu lake, southwest China)
Published: 5 February 20132370PDF: 799HTML: 775 -
Using a morpho-functional approach to assess phytoplankton dynamics in two adjacent high-mountain lakes: a 10-year survey
Published: 6 May 20143463PDF: 1050Supplementary: 396HTML: 981 -
Daily and seasonal dynamics of littoral zone fish communities in the lowland Włocławek Reservoir (central Poland), with a special emphasis on alien invasive gobies
Published: 22 April 20223065PDF: 397HTML: 139 -
Effect of intensive epilimnetic withdrawal on phytoplankton community in a (sub)tropical deep reservoir
Published: 2 October 20133377PDF: 872HTML: 1319 -
Epipelon dynamics in a shallow lake through a turbid-and a clear- water regime
Published: 2 March 20162073PDF: 842HTML: 1343 -
A review of anthropogenic stressors on Lake Sevan, Armenia
Published: 4 August 20221024PDF: 390HTML: 48 -
Diel vertical distribution of planktonic microcrustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) in a natural shallow lake from Transylvania, Romania
Published: 4 March 20142177PDF: 1134HTML: 581 -
Bathymetric and morphometric surveys of the Montebello Lakes, Chiapas
Published: 22 March 20163802PDF: 1068Supplementary: 326HTML: 2100 -
Profundal benthic invertebrates in an oligotrophic tropical lake: different strategies for coping with anoxia
Published: 5 May 20142949PDF: 1659HTML: 1490 -
Phytoplankton relationship with bacterioplankton, dissolved carbohydrates and water characteristics in a subtropical coastal lagoon
Published: 9 October 201310348PDF: 850HTML: 1173