Phosphorus dynamics in a subtropical coastal lake in Southern Brazil

Phosphorus dynamics in coastal lake

Submitted: 6 February 2019
Accepted: 3 August 2019
Published: 11 November 2019
Abstract Views: 893
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Temporal and spatial variations of organic and inorganic forms of phosphorus in the sediments of a subtropical oligo-mesotrophic shallow lake were investigated in relation to water column parameters, sediment characteristics and benthic fauna. The main results found were: 1) Phosphorus (P)  concentration varied seasonally, with organic P and total P  increasing in the sediments in warmer periods; 2) Sediment spatial variation, in terms of grain size composition and organic matter content, influenced P concentrations; 3) quantities and qualities of P in the sediments were positively correlated with water parameters, especially DO and NO3, Chl-a,  water temperature, pH, and total P. Negative correlations were observed between %OP and DO in sites 1, 3 and 4, and with NO3 in sites 2, 3 and 4; 4) benthic functional feeding groups showed significant relationships with temporal variation in sediment P concentration, including gathering-collectors, shredders, filterers and filtering-collectors. The results suggest a high importance of temperature mediated control of sediment-P release, both directly, through its direct effects on primary production and decomposition rates, and indirectly through its effects on other water and sediment parameters, especially dissolved oxygen concentration.



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Edited by

Michela Rogora, CNR-IRSA Verbania, Italy

Supporting Agencies

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - Brazil), research grants 486177/2007-6 and 473572/2008-7

How to Cite

Lemes da Silva, Aurea L., Mariana C. Hennemann, and Mauricio M. Petrucio. 2019. “Phosphorus Dynamics in a Subtropical Coastal Lake in Southern Brazil: Phosphorus Dynamics in Coastal Lake”. Journal of Limnology 79 (1).

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