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Found 140 items.
Diversity and distribution of oligochaetes in tropical forested streams, southeastern Brazil
Published: 27 January 20152215PDF: 875HTML: 1451 -
Impact of potash mining in streams: the Llobregat basin (northeast Spain) as a case study
Published: 29 December 20164511PDF: 1173HTML: 875 -
Evaluating macroinvertebrate community shifts in the confluence of freestone and limestone streams
Published: 30 July 20143182PDF: 983HTML: 920 -
Relationships of shredders, leaf processing and organic matter along a canopy cover gradient in tropical streams
Published: 9 October 20172895PDF: 693Supplementary: 242HTML: 960 -
Structural and functional responses of the oligochaete and aeolosomatid assemblage in lowland streams: a one-way-pollution-modelled ecosystem
Published: 30 March 20152392PDF: 788Supplementary: 277HTML: 1405 -
Seasonal variation of allochthonous and autochthonous energy inputs in an alpine stream
Published: 17 October 20143712PDF: 1062HTML: 1801 -
Organic matter dynamics in a savanna transition riparian zone: Input of plant reproductive parts increases leaf breakdown process
Published: 28 June 20172927PDF: 683HTML: 656 -
Community structure, life histories and secondary production of stoneflies in two small mountain streams with different degree of forest cover
Published: 13 October 20152049PDF: 758HTML: 752 -
Distribution and structure of lotic macroinvertebrate communities and the influence of environmental factors in a tropical cloud forest, Cusuco National Park, Honduras
Published: 2 November 20162440PDF: 1125HTML: 1609 -
Leaf breakdown in a natural open tropical stream
Published: 24 September 20143946PDF: 985Supplementary: 254HTML: 927 -
Diets and trophic guilds of aquatic insects in Molino River, La Guajira, Colombia
Published: 22 March 20162881PDF: 795HTML: 1748 -
Are bioassessments based on the reference condition approach affected by rapid approaches to sample collection and processing?
Published: 24 March 20162240PDF: 850HTML: 1486 -
Estimating age composition in Alpine native populations of Austropotamobius pallipes complex
Published: 20 March 20151904PDF: 765HTML: 1179 -
Recent findings regarding non-native or poorly known diatom taxa in north-western Italian rivers
Published: 5 February 20132779PDF: 928HTML: 1734 -
Structure and dynamics of a benthic trophic web in a Mediterranean seasonal stream
Published: 31 October 20133973PDF: 596Supplementary: 193HTML: 1143 -
The diet of introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis; Mitchill, 1814) in an alpine area and a literature review on its feeding ecology
Published: 3 May 20162897PDF: 947HTML: 737 -
Hydrological characteristics of extreme floods in the Klaserie River, a headwater stream in southern Africa
Published: 11 April 20231569PDF: 389Supplementary: 43HTML: 42 -
Settling distances of benthic invertebrates in a sediment mobilization simulation in semi-natural flumes
Published: 21 October 20152144PDF: 808HTML: 658 -
Temporal and altitudinal variations in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean river basin of Argentina
Published: 27 February 20143841PDF: 1294HTML: 1412 -
Neglected dipterans in stream studies
Published: 2 August 2024974PDF: 217Supplementary: 40HTML: 22 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
Published: 8 May 20143167PDF: 1073Supplementary: 281HTML: 949 -
Biodiversity of microcrustaceans (Cladocera, Copepoda) in a lowland river ecosystem
Published: 22 June 20163516PDF: 1432Supplementary: 454HTML: 1479 -
Longitudinal effects of land-cover transitions on the periphyton community of a tropical stream
Published: 26 June 2024767PDF: 216Supplementary: 52HTML: 38 -
Effect of a dam on epilithic algal communities of a mountain stream: before-after dam construction comparison
Published: 5 February 20133718PDF: 1029HTML: 1235 -
Environmental heterogeneity at different scales: key factors affecting caddisfly larvae assemblages in standing waters within a lowland river catchment
Published: 8 November 20163555PDF: 855Supplementary: 280HTML: 1232 -
Impacts of an extreme flood on the ecosystem of a headwater stream
Published: 8 April 20211372PDF: 407Supplementary: 97HTML: 22 -
Using integrated multivariate statistics to assess the hydrochemistry of surface water quality, Lake Taihu basin, China
Published: 24 September 20143943PDF: 1057Supplementary: 305HTML: 1230 -
Checklist and distribution of the groundwater crustacean fauna from Sicily, Italy
Published: 3 September 2024541PDF: 135Supplementary: 37HTML: 26 -
Are antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage related to biological and autecological characteristics in aquatic insects?
Published: 7 November 20163090PDF: 804HTML: 1661 -
Development and evaluation of the Lake Multi-biotic Integrity Index for Dongting Lake, China
Published: 5 June 20152362PDF: 803Supplementary: 227HTML: 1299 -
Distribution and biometry of native and alien crayfish in Trentino (Italian Alps)
Published: 23 May 20132879PDF: 778Supplementary: 214HTML: 727 -
The role of the hydrological cycle on the temporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
Published: 22 March 20161810PDF: 798Supplementary: 361HTML: 1368 -
Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days
Published: 21 June 2021991PDF: 355Supplementary: 96HTML: 17 -
Simulating thermal dynamics of the largest lake in the Caucasus region: The mountain Lake Sevan
Published: 18 October 20213105PDF: 446HTML: 26 -
Odonata assemblages in anthropogenically impacted lotic habitats
Published: 3 November 20202685PDF: 565Supplementary: 126HTML: 36 -
Exploring copepod distribution patterns at three nested spatial scales in a spring system: habitat partitioning and potential for hydrological bioindication
Published: 23 June 20152861PDF: 1218HTML: 1025 -
The structure of planktonic communities of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in three environments of the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil
Published: 13 August 20152775PDF: 821Supplementary: 257HTML: 1065 -
Combining taxonomy and function in the study of stream macroinvertebrates
Published: 22 March 20163552PDF: 1500HTML: 3213 -
Longitudinal recovery gradient of macroinvertebrates during different hydrological scenarios in a downstream river reach
Published: 7 June 20231841PDF: 324Figure S1. MFA_Complex_Full_Partial_axes: 85Figure S2. MFA_Complex_Full_IND: 75Table S1. Taxonomic distribution: 68Table S2. PCA_Bio_St: 71Table S3. Environmental variables: 70Table S4. Daily flow time series: 71Table S5. PCA_Hydro_St: 77Table S6. PCA_Chem_St: 73Table S7. MFA_Complex: 80HTML: 30 -
The environmental requirements of Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and the potential of the species for use as an indicator: an example from the Vistulian glaciation area
Published: 30 January 20152869PDF: 884HTML: 1029 -
Evaluation of ecological quality in peri-urban rivers in Mexico City: a proposal for identifying and validating reference sites using benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators
Published: 18 August 20153036PDF: 1058HTML: 1624 -
Modelling beta diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in High Andean wetlands
Published: 26 June 20173605PDF: 872Supplementary: 254HTML: 863 -
Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system
Published: 13 April 20163346PDF: 1133HTML: 1682 -
Factors driving semi-aquatic predator occurrence in traditional cattle drinking pools: conservation issues
Published: 9 August 20163005PDF: 903HTML: 1120 -
Water chemistry and periphyton biomass in the Rideau River: Have conditions changed after 24 years?
Published: 4 August 20222582PDF: 400HTML: 150 -
Catchment liming creates recolonization opportunity for sensitive invertebrates in a smelter impacted landscape
Published: 13 April 20161971PDF: 820HTML: 1410 -
Co-occurrence between macrophytes and macroinvertebrates: towards a new approach for the running waters quality evaluation?
Published: 22 August 20142588PDF: 1076Supplementary: 296HTML: 1046